The first book edited by the ABCP, Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Future Society (《人工智能与未来社会发展》in Chinese), was officially published by the Science and Technical Documentation Press (科学技术文献出版社) in October 2020. The book was edited by Professor Yi-Ke Guo, who is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK, the founding director of Data Science Institute at the Imperial College London, the Vice-President (Research & Development) of the Hong Kong Baptist University, and a Vice-President of the ABCP. The book has 23 chapters contributed by 41 British researchers, many of which are members of the ABCP including Professor Jianguo Lin, President of the ABCP.
Dr Heung-Yeung (Harry) Shum, former Executive Vice-President of Artificial Intelligence & Research at Microsoft, an International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) in the UK and a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE), wrote the foreword for the book.
我们非常有信心地看到,人工智能正在迈向主流应用和主流市场阶段。人工智能将对 全球的科技、经济、社会,产生重大、深入而广泛的影响。2018 年底,由英国皇家工程院院 士、英国帝国理工大学数据科学研究院创院院长郭毅可教授等人发起组织的 “人工智能研究” 全英教授沙龙,以及本次沙龙的成果——英国华裔教授第一次集体撰写的中文著作《人工智能与 和未来社会发展》一书,正是一次国际学术界合作“知行合一”的实践。
无论在技术还是经济领域,开放合作都是通向人类共同幸福未来的最佳路径,也 是全球知识界、学术界和产业界“知行合一”的共同方式。在人工智能发展的关键时刻,需要 人类一起行动起来,确保人类文明的领先优势。全英教授们合力编著的《人工智能与未来社会 发展》一书,就是这方面的有益尝试和积极行动。期望有更多的专家学者以及产业人士行动起 来,边实践边总结,边总结边前行。