ABCP2024 poster

Basic Information

Dates: Friday 5 July 2024

Venue: Brookfield House, 266 London Road, University of Leicester, LE2 1RQ, UK (Google Maps) + Online

Travel information (Venue, Transport and Parking)

Other information (Accessibility, Catering and Safety)


Normal registration (in-person and online) (public form for ABCP members and non-members):

Registration for participants with a free pass (protected form reserved for ABCP organisers and guests only):


8:30-9:30am Registration and refreshments (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)

For remote participants, the whole morning session (9:30am-12pm) can be accessed using the following dial-in information: MS Teams link. If you are on smartphone, please scan the following QR code to join the MS Teams session:

ABCP2024 morning session MS Teams link QR code

9:30-9:45am Opening Ceremony (Chaired by Wen Wang,  Co-Chair of the Organising Committee,  University of Leicester School of Business,  Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre)

9:45-10:45am Plenary Session 1: Impact through inclusive and inspirational research (Co-chaired by Wei Li,  Executive Vice-President of ABCP,  University College London (UCL) and Lynda Jiwen Song,  Vice-President & Secretary-General of ABCP,  University of Leeds,  Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre)

10:45-11am Refreshment break (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)

11am-12pm Plenary Session 2: Impact through industrial and international collaboration (Co-chaired by Professor Huiliang Li,  Vice-President for Industrial Liaison & Fund Raising of ABCP,  UCL and Professor Tao Chen,  Vice-President for External Communications and Engagement of ABCP,  University of Surrey,  Venue: Brookfield Atrium)

  • Claire Urry, Chief Commercial Officer and Adriann Commandeur, Chief Membership Officer, CBBC

  • Jazreel Goh, UK-East Asia Research Collaborations – Gaps and Opportunities, British Council

  • Jin Zhang, Minister Counsellor for Education, Chinese Embassy in the UK: The Latest Development of China-UK Education Partnership

  • Jamie Arrowsmith (pre-recorded), Director of UUKi (Universities UK International)

  • Panel Discussion (10-15 minutes)

12-1pm Lunch and presentation from BICI by Xinjian Zhou (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)

1-1:30pm ABCP AGM (Annual General Meeting) (Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre & Online: MS Teams link OR Meeting ID: 377 168 963 655  + Passcode: yDoLjG OR scan the QR code below; member-only session)


1:30-3pm Parallel Thematic Tracks (visit the track’s dedicated web page for the online dial-in information)

3-3:30pm Refreshment break (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)

3:30-5pm Parallel Thematic Tracks (visit the track’s dedicated web page for the online dial-in information)

5:15-5:30pm Award Ceremony sponsored by OYSS (Outstanding Young Scholars Society UK) (Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre)


Organising Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Professor Hongbiao Dong (董洪标教授) FREng, President, ABCP & Professor of Materials Engineering, University of Leicester
  • Professor Lynda Jiwen Song (宋继文教授), Vice-President & Secretary-General, ABCP & Professor of Management, University of Leeds
  • Dr Wen Wang (汪文博士), Co-Chair of Youth Committee, ABCP & Associate Professor in HRM Data Analytics and Interpretation, University of Leicester

Organising Committee Members:

  • Professor Qihai Huang (黄起海教授), Vice-President for Finance, ABCP & Head of Management, University of Huddersfield
  • Professor Henry Yi Li (李翼教授), Vice-President for Events, ABCP & Professor in Textile Science and Engineering, University of Manchester
  • Professor Shujun Li (李树钧教授), Vice-President for IT & External Liaison, ABCP & Professor of Cyber Security, University of Kent
  • Professor Wei Li (李嵬教授) FBA MAE FAcSS, Executive Vice-President, ABCP & Director and Dean, Professor in Applied Linguistics, Institute of Education (IoE), University College London (UCL)
  • Professor Hongming Xu (徐宏明教授), Vice President for Specialty Committees, ABCP & Chair in Energy and Automotive Engineering, University of Birmingham

Local Arrangement Committee Members:

  • Professor Huiyu Zhou (周挥宇教授), Co-Chair, Specialty Committee on AI and Cyber Security, ABCP & Professor of Machine Learning, University of Leicester
  • Dr Bo Tian (田波博士), Lecturer in Engineering, University of Leicester