Basic Information
Dates: Friday 5 July 2024
Venue: Brookfield House, 266 London Road, University of Leicester, LE2 1RQ, UK (Google Maps) + Online
Travel information (Venue, Transport and Parking)
Other information (Accessibility, Catering and Safety)
Normal registration (in-person and online) (public form for ABCP members and non-members):
Registration for participants with a free pass (protected form reserved for ABCP organisers and guests only):
8:30-9:30am Registration and refreshments (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)
For remote participants, the whole morning session (9:30am-12pm) can be accessed using the following dial-in information: MS Teams link. If you are on smartphone, please scan the following QR code to join the MS Teams session:
9:30-9:45am Opening Ceremony (Chaired by Wen Wang, Co-Chair of the Organising Committee, University of Leicester School of Business, Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre)
(Online) John Browne, The Lord Browne of Madingley, Chair of ABCP International Advisory Board
Professor Hongbiao Dong, President of ABCP
Professor Daniel Ladley, Dean of the University of Leicester School of Business
9:45-10:45am Plenary Session 1: Impact through inclusive and inspirational research (Co-chaired by Wei Li, Executive Vice-President of ABCP, University College London (UCL) and Lynda Jiwen Song, Vice-President & Secretary-General of ABCP, University of Leeds, Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre)
Professor Nishan Canagarajah, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Leicester, UK
Professor Max Lu, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Surrey, UK
Sir Keith Burnett, Chair, Nuffield Foundation & President, Institute of Physics
Professor Neena Modi, Vice-Dean (International) in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, on behalf of Professor Hugh Brady, President, Imperial College London
Panel Discussion (10-15 minutes)
10:45-11am Refreshment break (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)
11am-12pm Plenary Session 2: Impact through industrial and international collaboration (Co-chaired by Professor Huiliang Li, Vice-President for Industrial Liaison & Fund Raising of ABCP, UCL and Professor Tao Chen, Vice-President for External Communications and Engagement of ABCP, University of Surrey, Venue: Brookfield Atrium)
Claire Urry, Chief Commercial Officer and Adriann Commandeur, Chief Membership Officer, CBBC
Jazreel Goh, UK-East Asia Research Collaborations – Gaps and Opportunities, British Council
Jin Zhang, Minister Counsellor for Education, Chinese Embassy in the UK: The Latest Development of China-UK Education Partnership
Jamie Arrowsmith (pre-recorded), Director of UUKi (Universities UK International)
Panel Discussion (10-15 minutes)
12-1pm Lunch and presentation from BICI by Xinjian Zhou (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)
1-1:30pm ABCP AGM (Annual General Meeting) (Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre & Online: MS Teams link OR Meeting ID: 377 168 963 655 + Passcode: yDoLjG OR scan the QR code below; member-only session)
1:30-3pm Parallel Thematic Tracks (visit the track’s dedicated web page for the online dial-in information)
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (Chaired by Dr Liliang Wang, Imperial College London, Venue: Room 0.42A & Online)
Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security (Co-chaired by Dr Jiayan Qiu & Dr Zheheng Jiang, University of Leicester, Venue: Room 0.42B & Professor Shujun Li, University of Kent, Online)
Climate Change, Energy and Sustainability (Co-chaired by Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang & Professor Hongming Xu, University of Birmingham, Venue: Room 0.44B & Online)
Life Science and Health (Chaired by Professor Huiliang Li, University College London & Dr Wen Wang, University of Leicester, UK, Venue: Room 0.44A & Online)
Social Science and Humanities (two parallel sub-tracks, chaired by Professor Lynda Jiwen Song, University of Leeds, Venue: Room 0.02 & Professor Wei Li, University College London, Venue: Room 0.03 & Online)
3-3:30pm Refreshment break (Venue: Brookfield Atrium)
3:30-5pm Parallel Thematic Tracks (visit the track’s dedicated web page for the online dial-in information)
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (Chaired by Dr Liliang Wang, Imperial College London, Venue: Room 0.42A)
Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security (Co-chaired by Dr Jiayan Qiu & Dr Zheheng Jiang, University of Leicester, Venue: Room 0.42B & Professor Shujun Li, University of Kent, Online)
Climate Change, Energy and Sustainability (Co-chaired by Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang & Professor Hongming Xu, University of Birmingham, Venue: Room 0.44B)
Life Science and Health (Co-chaired by Professor Huiliang Li, University College London & Dr Wen Wang, University of Leicester, Venue: Room 0.44A)
Social Science and Humanities (two parallel sub-tracks, chaired by Professor Lynda Jiwen Song, University of Leeds, Venue: Room 0.02 & Professor Wei Li, University College London, Venue: Room 0.03)
5:15-5:30pm Award Ceremony sponsored by OYSS (Outstanding Young Scholars Society UK) (Venue: Peter Jackson Lecture Theatre)
Organising Committee Co-Chairs:
- Professor Hongbiao Dong (董洪标教授) FREng, President, ABCP & Professor of Materials Engineering, University of Leicester
- Professor Lynda Jiwen Song (宋继文教授), Vice-President & Secretary-General, ABCP & Professor of Management, University of Leeds
- Dr Wen Wang (汪文博士), Co-Chair of Youth Committee, ABCP & Associate Professor in HRM Data Analytics and Interpretation, University of Leicester
Organising Committee Members:
- Professor Qihai Huang (黄起海教授), Vice-President for Finance, ABCP & Head of Management, University of Huddersfield
- Professor Henry Yi Li (李翼教授), Vice-President for Events, ABCP & Professor in Textile Science and Engineering, University of Manchester
- Professor Shujun Li (李树钧教授), Vice-President for IT & External Liaison, ABCP & Professor of Cyber Security, University of Kent
- Professor Wei Li (李嵬教授) FBA MAE FAcSS, Executive Vice-President, ABCP & Director and Dean, Professor in Applied Linguistics, Institute of Education (IoE), University College London (UCL)
- Professor Hongming Xu (徐宏明教授), Vice President for Specialty Committees, ABCP & Chair in Energy and Automotive Engineering, University of Birmingham
Local Arrangement Committee Members:
- Professor Huiyu Zhou (周挥宇教授), Co-Chair, Specialty Committee on AI and Cyber Security, ABCP & Professor of Machine Learning, University of Leicester
- Dr Bo Tian (田波博士), Lecturer in Engineering, University of Leicester