This page shows all events ABCP (co-)organised and will be (co-)organising. Some events (co-)sponsored or supported by ABCP may also be included.
International Forum on COVID-19 and Beyond
virtualAn International Forum COVID-19 and Beyond Introduction This event will see a number of high-profile researchers working on COVID-related research topics in the UK, China and the USA, who will give keynote talks and have a panel discussion. It will be held virtually online and all are welcome to join. 中文简介 3月15日伦敦时间上午8:00到10:30(北京时间下午16:00到18:30),全英华人教授协会与全英华人生命科学学会将联合举办COVID-19 and Beyond在线学术研讨会。我们荣幸地邀请到了牛津大学教授、牛津/阿斯利康新冠疫苗设计者莎拉·吉尔伯特女爵(Professor Dame…
2022 ABCP Annual Conference
University of Birmingham Teaching and Learning Building, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands, United KingdomThe 2022 Annual Conference of the ABCP will be held on 1 and 2 July 2022. Day 1 will be a hybrid event with both participants attending on the campus of the University of Birmingham and remote participants. Day 2 will be a fully virtual event with all participants attending remotely. For more details about…
CLSS-ABCP Joint Seminars: A negative feedback mechanism controlling epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and cellular heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer
virtual7月26日伦敦时间中午12:00(北京时间晚上19:00),全英华人生命科学学会与全英华人教授协会医学组将联合举办学术讲座。本次讲座我们荣幸地邀请到了英国生命科学领域青年学者、伦敦癌症研究所(The Institute of Cancer Research, London) Lan Linxiang博士,报告题目为A negative feedback mechanism controlling epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and cellular heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer。欢迎大家积极在线参与。Lan Linxiang博士主要从事胰腺癌细胞可塑性、干性和异质性研究,并获得重要发现。Lan Linxiang博士在The Francis Crick Institute博士后训练期间获得德国研究基金会(German Research Foundation)和德国癌症援助基金会(German Cancer Aid)奖学金资助。 本次讲座由爱丁堡大学Reader、CRUK Career Development Fellow钱斌治老师主持。 Dr Linxiang LAN Staff Scientist; The Institute of Cancer Research, London AWARDS 2017-2020 German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Fellowship 2016-2017 German Cancer…
2023 ABCP Annual Conference
Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester, Upper Brook Street, Manchester, M13 9PY Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester, Upper Brook Street, Manchester, United KingdomThe 2023 Annual Conference of the ABCP will be held on 7 and 8 July 2023. Day 1 will be a hybrid event with both participants attending on the campus of the University of Manchester and remote participants. Day 2 will be largely a fully virtual event with most participants attending remotely, although there will…
How research fellowships helped accelerate my academic career pathway: Low-cost and rapid sensors
virtualTitle Professorial Inaugural Talk - How research fellowships helped accelerate my academic career pathway: Low-cost and rapid sensors Special Note This is the first of a new series of professorial inaugural talks series of the ABCP, for celebrating promotions of its Associate Members to a professorial post and ABCP Full Membership and sharing experience with…
Leading the Future Healthcare CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Day
School of Business (ULSB), Brookfield Campus, University of Leicester Brookfield House, School of Business, University of Leicester, Leicester, Leicestershire, United KingdomOn 30th November 2023, ABCP co-organised a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Day participated by 60 NHS doctors and a number of researchers including some ABCP members. The event saw presentations of participants' NHS-related research projects. Participants discussed ways for researchers to collaborating with NHS doctors, influential career coach in medicine, doctors' wellbeing advocator, representatives from…
Smart Retail Service Design for Healthy Ageing
virtualTitle Smart Retail Service Design for Healthy Ageing Special Note This is the third of a new series of professorial inaugural talks series of the ABCP, for celebrating promotions of its Associate Members to a professorial post and ABCP Full Membership and sharing experience with non-professorial academics on how to get promoted towards a professorial…
2024生物医学转化伦敦论坛 (2024 Biomedical Translational Research Forum – London)
UCL IOE, Room C3.11, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0NS UCL IOE, Room C3.11, 20 Bedford Way, London, United Kingdom论坛简介 (Introduction) 全英华人教授协会(ABCP)生命科学与健康专业委员会携手UKA和全英华人生命科学学会(CLSS)将于 2024年4月5日(周五)上午10:30举行2024生物医学转化伦敦论坛。 地点为伦敦大学学院,UCL IOE,Roon C3.11, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0NS。 报名参会截止日期3月25日(报名请扫二维码)。所有参会者都有5-10分钟flash talk的机会展示自己的项目,请在报名时注明自己的报告题目。 The Association of British Chinese Professors (ABCP) Life Sciences and Health Special Committee, in collaboration with UKA and the Chinese Life Sciences Society in the UK (CLSS), will hold the 2024 Biomedical Translational Research Forum on April 5, 2024 (Friday),…
Workshop on Health Data Management
Room 739, CL IoE (Institute of Education), 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL Room 739, CL IoE (Institute of Education), 20 Bedford Way, London, Greater London, United KingdomIntroduction Based on the discussion at the last ABCP "每月一谈" ("Monthly Topical Discussion") on 31st May, ABCP's Specialty Committees on Life Science and Health, AI and Cyber Security and EDI Working Group are planning to organise a joint workshop on Health Data Management to allow ABCP members and non-members to discuss potential R&I collaboration on…
2024 ABCP Annual Conference
Brookfield House, University of Leiceter Brookfield House, 266 London Road, University of Leicester, Leicester, Leicestershire, United KingdomThe 2024 Annual Conference of the ABCP will be held on 5 July 2024 Friday. The Conference will be a hybrid event with both participants attending on the campus of the University of Leicester and remote participants. For more details about the Conference, please visit the Conference's website shown below. 2024 ABCP Annual Conference