This page shows all events ABCP (co-)organised and will be (co-)organising. Some events (co-)sponsored or supported by ABCP may also be included.

ABCP Webinar: The challenges and opportunities of a global health crisis


Title The challenges and opportunities of a global health crisis: the management and business implications of COVID‑19 from an Asian perspective Speaker Prof Yipeng Liu (刘毅鹏教授), Professor in Management and Organisation Studies, Founding Director of the Research Centre for China Management and Global Business (CMGB), Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK Language The talk…

ABCP Webinar: 跨越死亡谷 (Over the Valley of Death)


Title 跨越死亡谷 (Over the Valley of Death) Speaker Dr Lewis Liu (刘震宇博士), IP Group大中华区董事总经理 Language The talk will be delivered in Chinese. Abstract 这边的服务器浅吟低唱累牍连篇 那边的挖掘机引吭高歌热火朝天 阶梯教室里深入浅出博古论今气象万千 交易大厅中跌宕起伏纵横捭阖羽化成仙 天才与疯子,前瞻与炒作,如何一线之间? 纯粹的科学和逐利的资本,是否不共戴天? 岁末年初 肉桂美酒圣诞树 开启壁炉,登陆Zoom 一同跨越死亡谷 照亮科技成果产业化之路 Bio of Speaker 刘震宇 博士 现任英国伦敦证券交易所上市公司IP Group集团大中华区董事总经理;全英清华校友会前秘书长、副会长,现任顾问。 刘震宇博士是英国和欧洲一线高科技投资机构中的极少数华人投资人之一。他负责广义清洁技术(能源环保、新能源汽车、新材料、半导体、物联网等)领域的全投资周期和投后管理,在多家英国本土受资企业担任董事。加入 IP Group之前,刘博士作为联合创始人、CEO创建了CamGaN公司,从事硅基氮化镓(GaN-on-Si)的技术转移和产业化;公司被英国最大半导体公司之一以极富竞争力的价格收购,被英国政府和英国工程与物质科学研究委员会(EPSRC)列为英国近年来技术产业化的经典案例。他拥有剑桥大学材料科学博士学位和清华大学学士学位。 IP Group是全球领先的专注于科研成果转化投资的独立商业机构;拥有三十余所英美澳顶级高校和科研院所资源和网络(包括剑桥大学、牛津大学、普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学、悉尼大学等),丰富的科研成果转化、运营和退出的经验,完全市场化的运作机制和资本、人才、财务、法务等全方位的服务能力。IP Group创立于2001年,是富时250指数成分股。 How to Participate Join the webinar using the…

ABCP Webinar: Digital Economy and Global Coopetition


Title Digital Economy and Global Coopetition Speaker Professor Ke Rong (戎珂教授), Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, School of Social Science, Tsinghua University, China Language The talk will be delivered in English. Abstract This speech will explore the new trends emerged in the digital economy in the global landscape, including the coopetition in the digital infrastructure,…

ABCP Webinar: Constant juggling? An interactive and research-informed webinar on managing work-life boundaries for academics


Title Constant juggling? An interactive and research-informed webinar on managing work-life boundaries for academics Speaker Dr Mengyi Xu (徐梦艺博士), Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management, University of Birmingham, UK Chair Professor Lynda Jiwen Song (宋继文教授), Professor in Management, Leeds University, UK Language The talk will be delivered in English. Abstract This webinar aims to share…