This page shows all events ABCP (co-)organised and will be (co-)organising. Some events (co-)sponsored or supported by ABCP may also be included.

2024生物医学转化伦敦论坛 (2024 Biomedical Translational Research Forum – London)

UCL IOE, Room C3.11, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0NS UCL IOE, Room C3.11, 20 Bedford Way, London

论坛简介 (Introduction) 全英华人教授协会(ABCP)生命科学与健康专业委员会携手UKA和全英华人生命科学学会(CLSS)将于 2024年4月5日(周五)上午10:30举行2024生物医学转化伦敦论坛。 地点为伦敦大学学院,UCL IOE,Roon C3.11, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0NS。 报名参会截止日期3月25日(报名请扫二维码)。所有参会者都有5-10分钟flash talk的机会展示自己的项目,请在报名时注明自己的报告题目。 The Association of British Chinese Professors (ABCP) Life Sciences and Health Special Committee, in collaboration…