This page shows all events ABCP (co-)organised and will be (co-)organising. Some events (co-)sponsored or supported by ABCP may also be included.
ABCP Webinar: Towards Evolutionary Developmental Artificial Intelligence
virtualTitle Towards Evolutionary Developmental Artificial Intelligence Speaker Professor Yaochu Jin (金耀初教授) MAE FIEEE, Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Artificial Intelligence endowed by the German Federal Minister of Education and Research, with the Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University, Germany & Distinguished Chair in Computational Intelligence, Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, UK Language The talk…
Panel discussion on ChatGPT
virtualTitle A panel discussion on ChatGPT: The good, the bad and the hopeful Panellists Dr Jidong Chen (陈吉栋博士), Associate Professor, Law School, Tongji University, China Professor Hongmei He (何红梅教授), Professor in Future Robotics, Engineering and Transport System, University of Salford, UK Professor Yulan He (何瑜岚教授), Professor in Natural Language Processing, King's College London & Turing…
ABCP SC on AI and Cyber Security London Seminar: “Sketching” into the future of AI
UCL Institute of Advanced Studies Room 20, South Wing, UCL, Gower Street, London, United KingdomTitle "Sketching" into the future of AI Speaker Professor Yi-Zhe Song (宋一晢教授), Professor of Computer Vision and Machine Learning & Co-Director of People-Centred AI Institute (PAI), University of Surrey; Forthcoming Director, UKRI CDT on Digital Media Inclusion Chair Professor Shujun Li (李树钧教授), Professor of Cyber Security & Director of Institute of Cyber Security for Society…
Workshop on Health Data Management
Room 739, CL IoE (Institute of Education), 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL Room 739, CL IoE (Institute of Education), 20 Bedford Way, London, Greater London, United KingdomIntroduction Based on the discussion at the last ABCP "每月一谈" ("Monthly Topical Discussion") on 31st May, ABCP's Specialty Committees on Life Science and Health, AI and Cyber Security and EDI Working Group are planning to organise a joint workshop on Health Data Management to allow ABCP members and non-members to discuss potential R&I collaboration on…