About Us
ABCP (Association of British Chinese Professors, 全英华人教授协会) is an independent and non-profitable association dedicated to increasing its members’ impact and engaging academic collaborations, in particular collaborations between UK and China. ABCP members represent the highest calibre of Chinese academics in the UK across many fields. The Associate now has set up an official account on WeChat, and please subscribe to it by scanning the QR-code to the right.
The missions of ABCP are:
- to promote academic excellence in education, engineering, social and physical sciences, medicine and emerging areas;
- to stimulate academic collaborations between members and beyond;
- to develop new talents and provide mentorship to young academics;
- to promote Sino-UK communications and collaborations in a wide range of disciplines;
- to provide expert advice to policy-makers both in the UK and China to advance bilateral relations for the benefits of peoples of both countries.
Contact us via contact@abcp.org.uk if you have any queries or suggestions.