The Specialty Committee on Transnational Education (TNE) aims to foster a collaborative platform for members who are interested in practising and/or managing TNE programmes. The primary goal is to promote networking and knowledge sharing on UK China TNE and to enhance quality, innovation and sustainability of academic partnerships between UK institutions and their partners in China and beyond. The SC will serve as a forum for discussing best practices, exploring innovative teaching and learning methodologies, promoting institutional collaborations, and advancing cross-border educational collaboration. The SC is co-chaired by two academics and has a number of committee members listed below. It runs an online community of many academics in the UK, and welcomes more to join. The online community is not limited to ABCP members, but also open to non-members. If you are interested in joining our community, please contact


  • 10 January 2025: Launch event

Chair and Co-Chair

  • (Chair) Professor Daguo Li (李大国教授), Professor & Vice Dean of NUIST-Reading Academy, University of Reading
  • (Co-Chair) Professor Jiawei Wang (王家炜教授), Professor & Vice Dean for Joint Education Institute with Nanjing Tech University, Swansea University

Committee Members

  • Professor Tao Chen (陈韬教授), Associate Vice-President, International & Professor in Chemical Engineering, University of Surrey; VP for External Communications and Engagement, ABCP
  • Dr Cheryl Yu (喻秋梅博士), Co-Founder, Connected International Education
  • Dr Bo Tian (田波博士), Lecturer in Engineering, University of Leicester
  • Professor Hong Yang (杨洪教授), Professor in Environmental Science, University of Reading
  • Dr Xin Xu (许心博士), Departmental Lecturer in Higher/Tertiary Education, University of Oxford
  • Sophie Lu (鲁雪菲), Head of External Engagement, University of Lancaster